Saturday, May 9, 2009

Time Set!!!

Thanks so much to my friend, a great teacher and crafter extraordinaire, LIBBY, who patiently instructed me how to set the correct time on this site!!! Golly - it even matches the clock on my monitor!

I ate too much at a Mothers Day dinner at church today. Out of all the Lutheran churches I've belonged to or even just attended, I have found they love to eat good foods! I ended up taking a 3-bean salad in addition to the chocolate peanut clusters that didn't quite set up hard... That was because I just melted the candy in the microwave and stirred in the peanuts instead of crock-potting them. Well, I didn't have enough time. But they must have tasted ok since there were none left to bring home!

I know, DorothyAda, I'll do it right the next time. I didn't get any white almond bark (subbed a bar of white chocolate) or German chocolate (subbed a bar of Hershey special dark choc). Otherwise I had the rest of the ingredients! Those are big heavy bars for baking or candy purposes.

1 comment:

  1. *blushes* I'm glad you had a great time at your Mother's Day dinner. Anytime you feel like sharing that 3-bean salad recipe... :-)

    Happy Mother's Day (in advance)!
